In this article I pose a provocative question designed to challenge what women think about labor and birth and hopefully inspire them to research the subject more fully. American women have willingly contributed to the most medicalized model for maternity care in the modern world by demanding elective epidural births, medically unnessisary labor inductions, and medically managed labors. In order critically examine the subject we must first define what I mean by natural birth.
There is debate within the medical community about what constitutes a natural birth, doctor's tend to consider all vaginal birth natural, no matter the means by which it is accomplished. Natural birth advocates do not consider medically managed vaginal birth natural. Interventions at the onset of labor such as inductions and epidurals result in labor that is constrained by medical management because of the risks these interventions pose to the mother and baby.
Natural Birth: Is birth that progresses naturally without medical augmentation or management.
There are measurable physical and emotional advantages to having natural birth and many women are not aware of how this choice will benefit them and their babies. Many women believe falsely that they essentially give nothing up in choosing a medicated birth, in fact they believe that the epidural enhances their birth experiences in a positive way. The reality would astonish most mothers who have innocently chosen medical births over natural birth without all the facts.
In greater numbers women are seeking to understand their birth options and the ways in which their choices will effect them and their babies, and as they research this subject they find that it makes a lot of sense that natural birth has natural advantages to them and their babies. It is well studied and documented that natural birth aids women and their babies in the bonding process, enhances feelings of confidence in motherhood and reduces postpartum depression. (See "Mothering the Mother" by: Marshall H. Klaus).
There are tangible physical, emotional, and hormonal reason why mothers and babies who have the benefit of natural birth are more capable of early bonding than those mothers and babies who are a product of epidural birth and cesarean. Studies show that this early bonding is very important to the mother's sense of confidence, promotes healthy breastfeeding, and results in a speedy recovery after birth. Natural birth helps a mother get started "on the right foot" so-to-speak.
When mothers choose epidural births and inductions for non-medical reasons they are trading significant benefits for pain relief. Look, Natural birth hurts, but American women are scared stiff of labor pain and this fear is somewhat irrational. It is fed by outdated historical precedents that no longer apply and fueled by the modern media. Natural birth is the hardest work you will ever do, but it isn't more than women are capable of dealing with.
A woman's body has a near perfect knowledge of labor, after all, women were tailor made to have babies. As a doula I have often witnessed that awesome moment at birth when a mother passes through the pain and embraces her baby, it never ceases to amaze me the exhilaration of that moment when she forgets the pain that only moments before almost consumed her and all that remains is a passionate love for the baby in her arms.
In the words of one such mother, "Having a natural birth made me feel amazing. I couldn't have had a better start as a mom. I felt like if I could do that for my baby, I could do ANYTHING for my baby. You feel so powerful and protective. It makes you feel like Superwoman.I had my baby naturally and it was the greatest experience of my life. I would never do it differently. I can't wait to do it again!" If this is what you want for yourself and your baby you will need to work at it, not just in the labor room, but throughout your pregnancy.
Don't let people scare you with their stories of unspeakable pain, I find that most women who talk this way did not have adequate labor support and preparation for their natural births. Natural birth advocates do not advocate the "grin and bear it" method of natural childbirth they know that there is better way. Women who are serious about getting off on the right foot with a natural birth need to educate themselves because having a natural birth in a hospital with a doctor can be very difficult. This website will help you get started on a path to being a "better mom".
There are measurable physical and emotional advantages to having natural birth and many women are not aware of how this choice will benefit them and their babies. Many women believe falsely that they essentially give nothing up in choosing a medicated birth, in fact they believe that the epidural enhances their birth experiences in a positive way. The reality would astonish most mothers who have innocently chosen medical births over natural birth without all the facts.
In greater numbers women are seeking to understand their birth options and the ways in which their choices will effect them and their babies, and as they research this subject they find that it makes a lot of sense that natural birth has natural advantages to them and their babies. It is well studied and documented that natural birth aids women and their babies in the bonding process, enhances feelings of confidence in motherhood and reduces postpartum depression. (See "Mothering the Mother" by: Marshall H. Klaus).
There are tangible physical, emotional, and hormonal reason why mothers and babies who have the benefit of natural birth are more capable of early bonding than those mothers and babies who are a product of epidural birth and cesarean. Studies show that this early bonding is very important to the mother's sense of confidence, promotes healthy breastfeeding, and results in a speedy recovery after birth. Natural birth helps a mother get started "on the right foot" so-to-speak.
Many mothers who innocently choose a medically managed birth take offence to the assertions made by natural birth advocates like myself, because they believe that these assertions infer that because of their medical birth choices they are being classified as "bad moms" or that natural birth advocates are saying they don't love their babies as much as natural birth moms do.
Oh, if it were only that simple, if natural birth were the magic pill that would solve all the deficiencies in mothering, if natural birth magically produced perfect mothers ending child abuse and neglect, and if natural birth resulted in life long loving bonds between children and their parents then the worlds problems would be easily solved in those first few days of life. I assure you that most natural birth advocates are not this idealistically foolish. In reality they are simply suggesting that mothers take advantage of every resource at their disposable to maximize their mothering potential. To do what women do best put their heads and their hearts into being the best mothers they can be.
Oh, if it were only that simple, if natural birth were the magic pill that would solve all the deficiencies in mothering, if natural birth magically produced perfect mothers ending child abuse and neglect, and if natural birth resulted in life long loving bonds between children and their parents then the worlds problems would be easily solved in those first few days of life. I assure you that most natural birth advocates are not this idealistically foolish. In reality they are simply suggesting that mothers take advantage of every resource at their disposable to maximize their mothering potential. To do what women do best put their heads and their hearts into being the best mothers they can be.
Women in general are blessed with natural qualities that fit them especially for motherhood (no matter what kind of birth they choose to have) and ultimately all mothers who put these qualities to work in their mothering will be wonderful mothers and create lasting bonds with their children. It is important that mothers understand that natural birth can make a very difficult transition in life a whole lot easier for themselves and their babies. Below are some reasons (to name only a few) why natural birth helps mothers be "better mothers".
- During a natural birth, your body releases a flood of oxytocin which is what helps you and your baby bond. You and your baby will both receive this hormone. Oxytocin is the hormone that allows humans to feel love. This oxytocin also prevents damage to the baby's brain from lack of oxygen during the birth. Oxytocin is released in medicated births but in much lower levels than with natural birth mothers.
- Babies born naturally are much stronger at birth, less likely to have breathing problems, more alert and attentive to their mothers, and ready to breastfeed immediately after birth. Because they are not as tired they nurse better just after birth, so if you are wanting to breastfeed your baby (which is the most emotionally and healthy choice for your baby and you) having a natural birth is very important to getting a good start in a healthy breastfeeding relationship.
- Having a natural birth is the best way to avoid a cesarean, not a trivial matter, cesareans are major surgery and women who have c-sections have much harder recoveries putting even more stress on a new mom. The correlation between the epidural and a cesarean is evident in the studies sited above, these studies show that women who opt for an epidural birth are 20% more likely to have a c-section and those who receive Pitocin and epidurals are 60% more likely to receive a cesarean. One reason for this is that these drugs frequently put babies in distress which leads to a c-section. Not only is natural birth safer for you and your baby, it makes for a much easier recovery and spares you a cesarean recovery in addition to the challenges of having a newborn to care for.
When mothers choose epidural births and inductions for non-medical reasons they are trading significant benefits for pain relief. Look, Natural birth hurts, but American women are scared stiff of labor pain and this fear is somewhat irrational. It is fed by outdated historical precedents that no longer apply and fueled by the modern media. Natural birth is the hardest work you will ever do, but it isn't more than women are capable of dealing with.
A woman's body has a near perfect knowledge of labor, after all, women were tailor made to have babies. As a doula I have often witnessed that awesome moment at birth when a mother passes through the pain and embraces her baby, it never ceases to amaze me the exhilaration of that moment when she forgets the pain that only moments before almost consumed her and all that remains is a passionate love for the baby in her arms.
In the words of one such mother, "Having a natural birth made me feel amazing. I couldn't have had a better start as a mom. I felt like if I could do that for my baby, I could do ANYTHING for my baby. You feel so powerful and protective. It makes you feel like Superwoman.I had my baby naturally and it was the greatest experience of my life. I would never do it differently. I can't wait to do it again!" If this is what you want for yourself and your baby you will need to work at it, not just in the labor room, but throughout your pregnancy.
Don't let people scare you with their stories of unspeakable pain, I find that most women who talk this way did not have adequate labor support and preparation for their natural births. Natural birth advocates do not advocate the "grin and bear it" method of natural childbirth they know that there is better way. Women who are serious about getting off on the right foot with a natural birth need to educate themselves because having a natural birth in a hospital with a doctor can be very difficult. This website will help you get started on a path to being a "better mom".